Monday, May 4, 2009

Port Faoud, Sunday, March 22

Seems like forever ago that we actually made this trip. And yet there are still three days to write about before we were to get back late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. There aren't very many pictures from these days either. Seems we really didn't want to get in a car to go to Cairo or get on an airplane to go back to London. I think most of the people we left behind in Egypt would have been much happier if we would have stayed longer. It had been a long trip for us but there was still so much we were not able to see and so much we would have liked to get back to because we didn't see enough of it. Ezzat, Susan, Ephriam, and Nardeen were such wonderful hosts we certainly do miss them. And all of the aunts, uncles, and cousins were so spectacular that we can't wait to return and renew our relationships with them.

Since Saturday had been so busy and we were out so late we all slept in on Sunday except Ezzat. He was up at the normal time, whatever that was. He waited for us to arise to join him at church but alas it was not to be. We continued to sleep and he left without us. I really don't recall what time we actually did get up but I know it wasn't before 10 AM. We started the day with tea, conversation, and preparations for breakfast. ( I will have to do a separate entry just to talk about the food. It was superb!) Seems like shortly after breakfast Ezzat arrived home and we began preparing for lunch. Now remember lunch is eaten at between 3 and 5 in the afternoon and is the main meal of the day. The fellowship we shared that day was just amazing. It seemed like we have known the people forever instead of just a few days.

Most of the afternoon was spent preparing for our last big meal together. It seems impossible but Monday we would begin our journey home already. There was so much food and it was all so good we just stuffed ourselves.

That evening we went to church. As I would in Anchorage I went in with my wife and sat down with her in one of the pews. A short time through the service I noticed that there seemed to be only women surrounding me. Well indeed that was the case, the men sit on the left side and the women on the right. So I was out of place but then no one seemed to mind. We didn't understand much of the service as it was all in Arabic (who wudda thought) but we will still able to worship.

After church many of the people gathered in the pastor's office. We had tea and much good conversation. I was amazed by the number of people that speak English. Many of course speak a little but there are a surprising number that speak very well. We probably spent about and hour and a half to two hours chatting and drinking. Then it was back to the house to finish packing. One more night in Egypt then we would be on our way.