Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Off to Wisconsin -- May 31

Meredith was kind enough to take us to the airport in Anchorage at 12:01 AM on the 31st for our 2:30 AM flight. We were really tired when we got to the airport and before we got there actually. We got checked in and waited around to board the plane. Once on the plane, I fell asleep before we even got off the ground. Was a "short" flight to Seattle. I think Bonnie slept most of the way to Seattle as well. Once again we kept our fingers crossed that Mt. Redoubt wouldn't delay our trip and it worked.

Changing planes was uncomplicated. Got some breakfast in Seattle and boarded the flight to O'Hare. Left Seattle on time and arrived in Chicago on time. Uneventful flight, thank the Lord.

Found out where to go to get the bus to Waukesha. We made the 3:10 bus which was nice. Made six stops before we got to Waukesha. Once we got on the expressway in downtown Milwaukee we called Ed to let him know so he could meet us at the drop off spot. Got stuck in traffic by Brewer Stadium, the ball game had just let out. But weren't stuck very long. Ed was waiting for us when we arrived at Goerke's Corners. Sure was a lot more pleasent drive for him than picking us up at O'Hare. It was great to see Ed and Pat again, hugs all around and then off to dinner.

We ate at a family resturant in Waukesha. The food was very good and very plentiful. Took about half of our dinner home with us to consume later. Got to Ed's place, did a few chores, talked some and then crashed for the night. We were really tired. We did almost nothing all day and we were exhausted. Funny how flying does that to you.

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