Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Up the River Nile

Seems there is always more to see no matter where you go. There is always a new adventure around the corner. It could be a trip across town to some place you have never been right in your backyard or a place halfway around the world that you would like to see for the first time along with others you would like to visit again.

We are embarking on another trip to Egypt this spring. While the last Egyptian trip was to Cairo and north this time we will go up the Nile and visit Memphis, Aswan, Luxor and places in between. This trip will be very different from others we have done. There will be three people from Alaska, two wonderful Egyptians that seem like brother and sister to us, and on Egyptian guide. It should be quite a fabulous trip. Four and five star hotels are in the offing, overnight train ride, cruising on the Nile, and of course air transport when necessary. Life should be relaxing and very enjoyable of the the short time we will be away. I look forward to a time of little work and much play even if it is for just a short while.

Visas are applied for, tours are paid, anticipation is rising as the time approaches. What a wonderful trip it will be.

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