Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 24

The day started out leisurely. We slept in 'til 8 AM. Yeah, I know most don't think that's sleeping in but it was great. All had a quiet breakfast and talked about the day's activities. We poked around outside for a while after breakfast but didn't really get much accomplished.

My brother, Ed, had a couple of plumbing projects that we needed to tackle so we started to work on them. The projects involved replacing the inlet valves for the clothes washer in the basement and repairing the valves in the tub faucet assemblies. Both jobs were accomplished with only two trips to the hardware store. I think that's a record.

Had a light lunch and chatted for awhile once again.

About 1 PM we went to visit Pat at the nursing home. She was happy to see Ed and I doubt that she recognized Bonnie or I. We chatted a while walked the halls, chatted a while, walked the halls, and did it some more. Pat was putting a few words together that were understandable and sometimes in appropriate places. I hadn't seen her for almost a year and she seem better than the last summer but still fully involved in the disease. We were there for a little over an hour and then moved on. It's really tough on my brother and my heart goes out to him always.

We went out and did some grocery shopping and other shopping and were back home in the middle of the afternoon. Had many phone messages including one from Kelly for Ed to check his email. Seems he seldom does that. Seems there were a couple announcing visits from folks in Europe. He answered those quite quickly after he read them.

While going through his email he got a call from Holland regarding one of the visits in the email. While he was on the phone one of the neighbors came up and asked if we were available for dinner that evening. Bonnie and I had dinner just about done so Tim thought another night might do but we still haven't set that one up.

After dinner we were outside and Ed decided to show Bonnie what bee packages looked like. We went into the lower garage and there were five packages waiting to be put into hives. Many of the bees were dieing so Ed decided that he had to put them in the hives right away. We all packed up the truck and off we went to the bee yard to insert the packages. Pictures will follow soon. Ed got stung twice, Bonnie and I not at all. Success!

A relaxing drink or two when we got home with a movie and then it was off to bed with another day of "rest" completed.

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