Westminster Abbey is very different than St. Paul's. The only portion you can tour is the ground floor. The structure seems to me to be just as ornate. And yet it is used for many more state functions and th

Just one example would be that Elizabeth I is buried in the Abbey and was succeeded by James VI of Scotland who became James I of England. James was the son of Mary Queen of Scots who was imprisoned for 30 years and eventually executed by Elizabeth I and members of here court. Now the tomb or monument to Elizabeth I is very ornate and quite large at Westminster Abbey and James I son of Mary Queen of Scots made sure that his mother was honored at least as lavishly on the other side of the Abbey from Elizabeth I. So even in death the rivalry lived on. Of course I'm sure this is not what they would want you to remember about Westminster Abbey but it is certainly what struck me as very intriguing.
Do get the audio headsets for the Abbey. These tools make the tour a lot more interesting.
The Natural History Museum is another of those venues that you need days to go through and not just a few hours. I did find it especially interesting though. Unfortunately the exhibit w

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