Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30 -- First Full Day in London

The morning started early for me. I woke up and wasn't sure what time it was. I layer in bed for sometime and finally decided I should get up. The time was 0445, yuk. Oh well I felt good so I stay up. Made some tea and turned on the computer. While everyone else continued to slumber I play bridge at Played in three robot tourneys. Average in two and 60% in the third. Bonnie was the next to arise. We got breakfast started and waited for Ed and Kay to get up. The sausages were done and as everyone arrived in the kitchen eggs were cooked. It was a leisurely and enjoyable breakfast.

The agenda for the day was to top off two Oyster cards and purchase to more. That's for riding the local trains and the tube. Then we had to top off a phone and get a SIMM and money put on another we had brought along. The new SIMM should be active during the next 24 hours some time. Then we went off to the Borough Market. Food vendors galore as well a cooking demos and other things. We walked around for some time looking at all the goodies. We had a few samples and then we went to walk over London Bridge. Most people think the Tower Bridge is London Bridge but that's not the case. London Bridge is a nondescript bridge over the Thames River. The Tower Bridge is the next one down stream from the London Bridge.

We went back to the market and had lunch. The food was really good. We walked around some more and purchased cheese, veggies, and meat for dinner. On the way back to Mel's we did some other shopping along the way. Got it all carried back to the house and put away. A couple of us took a short rest. I've been working on this. We now are in the process of preparing dinner. It will be a delicious beef stir-fry.

All-in-all it was a pretty quiet day. Though we did walk probably 3-4 miles in all. I'm sure it will be an early to bed evening. Though we probably will go down to the pub a nightcap.

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