Sunday, January 31, 2016

Wedding Day

Day 7, January 17

We got up early, well not too early when compared to when we have been getting up, but early just the same. Went down for breakfast and were checked out and ready to go by 7:30. We have a pick up at 7:30 for wedding ceremony. Initially Finanda thought we shouldn’t go to the wedding ceremony because it might make us too tired. We told her we would do whatever she wanted. A little later she decided we should go to the ceremony. She wanted us there.

We were actually overjoyed because we wanted to be there. The ceremony was done at the Islamic Center in Bekasi. It’s the same place the reception will are held. Finanda got to the center at about 6 AM in the morning to get ready. When we arrived we were taken to see her and she was exceptionally beautiful or should I say more beautiful than ever. We said hello to her and her family and then were ushered off for the ceremony to start. The beginning brought the two families together outside the mosque where they would be married.
Rizcky and Family

The groom arrived in traditional garb and was escorted up to the entrance by his parent and family members. At this point there were official greetings from the Imam at the mosque and from officials of the families. We were all standing in the sun, with the temperature int the 80’s and the humidity at about 100%. It was very warm. Just how humid was it. Let me explain we were in the car about 15 minutes to get to the Islamic Center. The air-conditioning was running and it was a little warm but comfortable. When we got out of the car is felt sweltering and my glasses immediately fogged up and I couldn’t see a thing. It was like at home, in the winter, but the condensation was not frozen.

Bonnie and Finanda
So the greetings were said and the pictures were taken and finally we were off to the ceremony. Everyone filed in with the groom and Finanda followed shortly after every one was situated. Did I say how beautiful she was? Both Finanda and Rizcky knelt before a low table and the ceremony began. Again there were greetings and the invocation of the presence of God in there marriage. There were chants, vows, and much I did not understand. The marriage booklets were completed and signed and the wedding was over. The people present in the mosque greeted the bride and groom. Once the greetings were done the married couple went off somewhere. I have not asked where they went so can’t say more.

From the ceremony we went to the reception hall. Breakfast was being served but we had eaten before we arrived so didn’t partake. There was a reception line of men and women, men on one side and women on the other to greet guests as they arrived. The reception line was made of relatives and close friends. There was a place for people to sign in, pick up a party favor, and leave an envelop. There were to different favors to choose, a glass with the name of the bride and groom and the date or a token to get you picture take by the photographers that were shooting the wedding.
Bride's Mom and Dad

This still  was pretty much a waiting game until about 11:30 when the bride and groom arrived in the hall. The food was still being put out along with beverages for all of the guests. When happy couple arrived pandemonium broke loose. Everyone wanted their time to be with Rizcky and Finanda. The line to greet them and their parents was very long and densely packed until the reception was nearly over. There was great qualities of delicious food. All types of Indonesian food you could imagine. Another opportunity for me to taste new things. Some I liked, some I didn’t, and some were so-so. We had a great time. Bonnie and I were celebrities as well. Because of our light skin and Bonnie’s red hair many people want to have their pictures taken with us. I joked with Arief that we should set up a booth and charge 50,000 rupiah to have you picture taken with the westerners.
The Lovely Bride
Finanda and Rizcky stood up the whole time during the reception and graciously greeted everyone that came to them. The got no rest and no opportunity to eat. But they were really troopers through the whole process. Everyone attending seemed to have a good time and enjoyed the food, music, and pictures. Soon it was all over. The hall was empty except for a few and the cleanup crew. Finanda and Rizcky went off to change clothes and get ready to go to the hotel in Jakarta.
The Happy Couple

At about 2:30 PM we left the reception hall and headed back to the Amaroosa Hotel. Finanda and here mom wanted to go through the cards so they could divide them up and begin the process of saying thank you and paying the bills. There were a lot of cards. Only a few were opened and most contained money for the bride and groom or for the family. The process of paying for all of the festivities will be left for another blog at another time.

At about 4 PM we left for the hotel in Jakarta. The ride took about an hour since it was Sunday. If it had been a week day the ride could be as long as two hours maybe longer. I’m glad it was Sunday. On our way to the hotel Rizcky wanted to stop at the train station to trade the vouchers in for tickets so it wouldn’t have to be done in the morning. The taxi then took us to the Hotel Aryaduta. This was be far the most posh place we have stayed in so far while here. The room was spacious. There was a writing desk with materials to us and a bank of plugins for all types of devices including cat5 cables. The hotel has been around a few years but was still in the luxury category. I only had two complaints, we did not get a nonsmoking room (not the hotels fault) and the toilet area in the bathroom was a little cramped. All things considered it was an excellent room. Thank you Rizcky and Finanda.
Couple and Sisters

We decided to get together for dinner at 7:30 that evening. We adjourned to our rooms and Bonnie and I got things situated. She did some reading and I did some writing while we waited for 7:30 to roll around. At the appointed time we rapped on the newly wed’s door. Finanda answered and said they decided to pass on dinner. So we went down and had a very expensive (by Indonesian standards) and mediocre meal. It’s too bad I was hoping for better.
The Crowd

We went back to the room. Bonnie turned in for the night and I did some writing and made sure the electronics were either charged or charging before I went to bed. I turned in around 10:30 probably the earliest night of the trip for me. We are to meet for breakfast at 6 in the morning.

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