Saturday, March 21, 2009

Port Faoud March 17

This was pretty much a recovery day. We slept in. We did laundry. We hung out at the shop. Nardeen's relatives often drop in, especially when someone they would like to meet, that's Bonnie, was there. We had a wonderful,
relaxing day. That evening we got our things ready to go to Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai Peninsula. Nardeen has told us over and over again that this is the most wonderful place in Egypt. On Wednesday and Thursday were will find out if she is correct. Bonnie accompanied Susan to the market to purchase things for lunch. Fish (caught that morning) were bought then taken to the smoker to be picked up later. Yams were picked up and taken to Susan's mother's house where they were raised up to the apartment in a basket on a rope. The yams were cleaned then lowered back down. Susan then tried to find a vendor that would smoke the yams but was unsuccessful. So the yams ended up being baked in the over. They were part of dessert. It was an enlightening experience for Bonnie but unfortunately she didn't take the camera with her. You don't always have to go to the market though to get the fixin's for your meals. Sometimes the market comes to you. Vendors are continually moving up and down the streets plying their wares. You can find everything from vegetables to propane on the street. If you know what you want, have a rope and a basket you don't even have to go down in the street to make the purchase. These two westerners found it all quite amazing.

I spent quite a bit of time this day updating this document and trying to get pictures uploaded to the Internet. The uploading part is often very slow.

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