Thursday, July 7, 2011

London - July 5

London - thought we might not get here but we did. Certainly was late last night we we got to Mel and Neil's place. But we got a pretty good nights sleep. Missed seeing Melanie this morning before she left for wo
rk, damn! But we had a good morning with Neil. Breakfast was a bowl or granola (mostly seeds of some type) with milk and a cup of coffee. The day was pretty much devoted to laundry and walking around the neighborhood to see what there is to see.

Neil took us down to the main street and pointed lots of stuff out to us as we were going. There was their favorite pub, bakery, coffee shop,cheese shop, and grocery. There are lots of cell phone outfits on the main street and lots of pubs. We ended at the Clapham Junction train station that will be the starting points for many jou
rneys in the next two weeks. We then proceeded to retrace our steps back to the house.

Neil then went out and we had to fend for ourselves for an hour or so but that was not difficult. We had a bite to eat and Bonnie did some more wash and I worked on keying up stuff for the blog. Late Bonnie and I went back down the street and topped-up a cell phone that Mel and Neil had for use by guests. We also got a snack at Gail's Bakery, very tasty. I used it to try to call Mel but it has the wrong number stored for her, it was her old one. I then called Ian and Judy Cameron to let them know we would be in touch later about getting together.

Melanie called late in the afternoon to let us know she was about 15 mins from the station so Bonnie and I ran out the door to meet her. Had a nice walk home and a nice time catching up since Sunday. Bonnie and Mel went for a walk while Neil prepared dinner.

Dinner was a casserole of bread, cheese, and veggies with corn on the cob. All was very tasty. Mel and Neil had to go out for a while and we once again were left to our own devices. When they got back we had some port (excellent) and conversation about the plans for the week. Little was finally decided except that we would go to St. Paul's tomorrow. Mel will check on days that she can get off to spend with us as well.

A full first day and then we were off to dreamland.

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