Sunday, February 7, 2016

Day of Rest

Sculpture Entering Ubud
Day 19 - January 29

Rest is the order of the day. After waking this morning we kind of just laid in bed and pretended to sleep. Nothing was on the schedule so there was no particular reason to rise. I was days behind in writing. I had notes jotted down but no real writing done since we arrived in Ubud (pronounced oo-bood). So while Bonnie did her exercises this morning I got started.We also had to select a hotel for our time in Medan yet too.

Exercises done and we were off to breakfast. As usual breakfast was great. We ate leisurely this morning. There was not rush at all. Once done we returned to the room. I sent Meg a text to see if she would be able to Skype with us. She answered a short time later and we chatted with her for the better part of 45 minutes. All is well in Anchorage, Alaska.

After chatting with Meg we got serious about hotel reservations in Medan. We finally got tired of looking and just booked a room for the 5 days at the Marriott. It’s probably twice as much as we need to spend but it’s still less than $100 a night. The have an airport shuttle so we let our contact in Medan know that we wouldn’t need a ride from the airport to the hotel.
I sent a text to Mel to see if she was available to Skype but didn’t hear back from her quickly so we went out for a walk. Went for a walk during the hottest part of the day. But we did get some post cards. While we were out Mel sent us a message while we were out that she could chat with us in about 45 minutes. We putzed around a while longer then headed back to the hotel. By the time we got back we were drenched in sweat. I changed my shirt and we sent it along with a bunch of other stuff to the laundry after we were assured they could get it back to us before we left.

We contacted Mel on the computer and chatted with her for about a half hour. She is in Colorado and will be going to Italy  for some skiing before she goes to Kuala Lumpur for a wedding. She was quite tired so we let her go.

Started working on the writing again in earnest this time. Along with writing for the blog I did evaluations for TripAdvisor and kind of killed two birds with one stone. Have a little smithing to do on the blog writing but mostly it’s up-to-date.

Went to dinner at 7:15. Came back to the room did some initial packing and wrote some more. While I have been writing Bonnie has been doing a bunch of reading. I think she nearly finished two books today. The hotel we have been staying is has been most exquisite. Will write more about that tomorrow. Hopefully.

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