Saturday, February 6, 2016

Prambanan Temple

Day 10 - January 20

 Woke up once during the night. So had a great sleep. Woke up at 6:30 quite refreshed. Checked email, FB, and went through pictures while Bonnie was exercising. There is still more to do with pictures. Will try to get some more posting done later today with pictures.

We are off this morning at 9:30. Don’t know where we are going yet but it will be an adventure I’m sure. Breakfast at this hotel is quite wonderful. You can have basically anything you want to eat. There are pancakes, waffles, eggs of any type, fruit, rice, noodles, fried rice, and a plethora of other things to eat. Everything I had was very tasty.
Finanda & Rizcky

After breakfast we departed for the Prambanan Temple and park. The temple was constructed sometime during the 9th century. When it was completed there were 244 separate temples varying in size. Most were relatively small but is a single huge one in the center of the complex that houses statues of the four important gods of the Hindu religion. This huge temple is flanked by four others that are equally as impressive if some what smaller. There is relief carving all along the walkways on the temples and in the chambers that house the statues of the gods. There is still a process of restoration in progress. I don’t know if the plans are to reconstruct all 244 edifices but even a few would be impressive Two large earthquakes have severely damaged the temple complex over the years. One was in the 17th century and the other in 2006. Work continues to strengthen the stonework after the 2006 quake.
Finanda, Don, & Bonnie

We ate a very late lunch at jeJamuran. This restaurant is all about mushrooms. Nearly everything on the menu was mushrooms or had mushrooms in it. As most of you know I am not a shroom eater. They are generally okay raw but I am not a fan of cooked ones. Bonnie, Finanda, and Rizcky all ordered different dish and couldn’t wait to savor their delicacies. The two non-mushroom items were fried chicken and baked chicken. I opted for fried chicken which was very good. The other had extreme praises for their meals so it seems I must recommend this restaurant to the world.

The specialty of the restaurant
We got back to the hotel late in the afternoon and we parted company with the newlyweds. Since we won’t be going to Mount Merapi with Rizcky and Finanda we made a reservation for a Saturday morning tour. We also booked the hotel for Friday and Saturday nights as well. We will probably fly to Bali on Sunday. We went next door to a pharmacy and purchased a couple of drinks and then returned to the hotel.

Another adventure awaits us tomorrow.

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