Saturday, June 13, 2015

Friday - Reprise

Today was exactly the same as yesterday weather wise. We were all up by about 8 this morning. Breakfast consisted mostly of leftovers and using up the rest of the eggs combined with onions and tomatoes. All ate their fill. Bout 10:30 we headed for the beach. I went with Mel, Meg, and Bonnie this time. Ephraim and Kaja came down laster and brought a backgammon board with them.

Before our gracious hosts arrived Mel and Meg went out on a sand bar and composed a message to Lindsay and Kiel regarding their upcoming wedding. They drew a heart in the sand with an appropriate message inside and took a video to post on Facebook.

There was a sand bar, actually there were many, because the tide was out. You could walk nearly a half a mile into the ocean and hardly get wet on your journey because there was that much sand exposed. Kind of reminded me of the tides at home but these were only about 8 feet instead of 30. The water patches between the bars were actually hot, probably about 105 F. The tide came back in about 4 PM and then there were no sand bars but much of the water was still very shallow.

Everyone went swimming at different times during the day. We had a cooler with us today so there was plenty of things to drink and it wasn’t necessary to go back to the flat until late in the afternoon.Ephraim and Meg started playing backgammon sometime during the afternoon and many of us took a turn at the board. It had been a long time since I had played and had to refresh my memory on the strategy and setup of the game. Taught Bonnie how to play so we will be able to play together when we get home. We had a pleasant day by the sea.

The goal for dinner was to eat up all the food that was left. In general we did a pretty good job. Meg and I played a little more backgammon in the evening but the general rule was to get everything packed and ready to go for the morning trip to the airport.

With most everything packed it was once again off to bed.

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