Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday — On the Way Home

6 AM, five or less hours of sleep. Oh well, we soon will be on our way back to the U.S.A. Megan still isn’t feeling well and Bonnie isn’t either. Hopefully this won’t hinder our trip home too much. Took a taxi to the airport. For some reason it only cost half as much to get to the airport as to go to the hotel. Anyway the ride was uneventful as it should be. Kind of just streamed through the airport as we were already checked in when we left Cairo. Passport was checked probably half a dozen times altogether but no big deal. We sat outside the gate to have some breakfast. Again Bonnie and Meg weren’t feeling well so they did not eat much. I had eggs Benedict with smoked salmon instead of Canadian bacon. It was tasty but pretty salty. Not something I would probably order again.

After breakfast was time to proceed to the gate. Got in a very long line and had our passports and boarding pass checked three more times. I was a random security check so Meg and Bonnie got on the plane while I awaited further screening. There was really no problem but the ladies were worried they wouldn’t let me on the plane because it was taking so long. We are sitting in row 18 which is right behind business class so we should be able to get to customs pretty quickly in Seattle. Will say much more about Emirates Airline in a separate entry. There are many nice things to say. Still 10 more hours to Seattle.

I am now writing on the plane to Anchorage. We actually got to Seattle about a half hour early. That was really nice. Got a bite to eat. Then it was time to go to the gate again. The Sea-Tac airport is a very familiar place and it was nice to be in a familiar place once again. While we were sitting on the airplane waiting for everyone to get on Patty Bryant passed us on the way to her seat. You know you are home when you run into someone on the airplane that you know.Plane to Anchorage left on time and it’s supposed to be a 3 hour 8 min flight. Hope that’s a good estimate. I’m ready to be home. I look forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper 70s today in Anchorage, We will probably feel a little chilly.

We arrived in Anchorage about 5:50 PM. That makes almost 24 hours traveling. Temperature here is 77 F. It’s now 6:50 and Bonnie is in bed. I’m going to try to stay up so I’m not up in the middle of the night and not tired. It is good to be home with wonderful weather on top of it. Will try to get some pictures posted tomorrow.

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