Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monday - Downtown Cairo

While most of us were asleep, Nana went back to the airport dark and early in the morning to pick up her brother Ephraim and his wife Kaja from the airport. They got in about 3 AM but certainly did not disturb Bonnie or I when they arrived. I got up about 5 when nature called and almost literally ran into Ephraim as I left the room. Had a nice greeting and off I went. He was in bed when I cam back. I went back to bed and slept for another hour or so. Bonnie and I were both up shortly after 6 but no one else was so we hung out in the room until others began to stir. There are twelve people staying in a two bedroom home so things are a bit cramped in the morning until we get the beds all put away. Twelve people in a small space with one bathroom is sometimes challenging but we are all getting along just fine.

Going to the Museum
Today has many events on the schedule but I am wondering if we will get to all of them because we are getting such a late start. I’m not sure what and early start is supposed to be in Egypt but when we decide to leave that’s when everyone gets ready to go and perhaps an hour or so later we actually leave the house. This drive Kaja, Ephraim’s wife crazy. It also drives me crazy but we must go with the flow and this too shall pass.

We got around to eating breakfast about 10 AM. Again there are many things to choose, There are eggs, ful (mashed fava beans), pronounced fool, bread, cheese, meats, Mulukhiya (a green cold soup), honey, dates, and many other things. I personally do not care for the soup but I know others think it is marvelous. There is plenty to eat for all and this take about an hour and a half. Breakfast and lunch are the main meals of the day and both seem to be always delicious.

Crew on the Tower
We did finally get to the museum but we only had a couple of hours there before they closed. It is only enough time to go through one exhibit. We chose to go through the Tutankhamun exhibit that was unearthed in 1922 if I remember correctly. It is an amazing exhibit and shows the majesty and wealth of the Egyptian Empire at its zenith. The whole museum is truly amazing. I would like to have a couple of days to go through this place. Pictures are not allowed inside so there will be none, sorry.

Cairo Tower
The Cairo Tower is phenomenal as well. Takes you 142 meters above the surrounding area give a really spectacular view of things surrounding the venue. It’s nothing like the Burj Kalifa but then Cairo is a very different city than Dubai. It is much older and has many more people. The population of Cairo and the immediate surrounding area is about 25 million. That is really a lot of  people, many more than I would like to live around. The panoramas that you can see from the tower are staggering you can even make out the pyramids through the haze on a good day. I would recommend this attraction to everyone except those that have a problem with heights.

Ladies in waiting
From the tower we took two taxis in different directions to get the the Nile in front of the Four Seasons Hotel. There is a dock here where the ancient Nile boats call felucca can be found and hired. These boats with their triangular sale have plied the river for thousands of years. The ride was very relaxing and got some good shots along the river. We were met here by some of Ehab’s family and they joined us on the ride as well. These are fun people and Nana should have a wonderful time.

When we returned to the house it was once again lunch time. The meal consisted of roast beef, chicken, bread of course (there is always bread), the meat and pastry dish, salads, fresh vegetables, and many other items. It was delicious as always. Of course the inevitable question is do they eat like this all the time or is it just be the have company. The word is that they indeed  eat like we have been all the time. So be it, but if I did I would be as big as a house.

Family discussion followed as well as talking about the schedule for the next day. It was decided to go to the Pyramids and a picnic. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Once again good night.

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