Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday - On the way home

This morning seemed to come early for everyone and we overslept. Ephraim had made arrangements for a taxi to take us to the airport. We are an hour and a half from the airport and we were taking a taxi. We were supposed to be up by 6 this morning and we got up at 6:50. The taxi was supposed to pick us up at 7. He had actually been waiting for us since about 6:40. But with getting up late there were no protracted goodbyes. The hardest part was to part company with Melanie. She had changed her flight and was going back to London direct from Cairo instead of flying to Dubai with us. It was a tearful departure. We will miss Ephraim and Kaja. They were a lot of fun to spend time with on the trip. They are wonderful hosts and wonderful people. We hope to visit them in Poland one day.

We wanted to get to the airport 3 hours ahead of departure since we had bad experiences the last time we left Cairo. We were away from the resort by 7:20. That is a record for us to get ready that fast and say our goodbyes as well. Off we went to the airport. The driver did not speak any English except for a few words but as usual we were able to communicate just fine.

We got to the airport about 9 AM. Went through initial screening and off to the departure counter to get our bags checked and our boarding passes. That was all done by 9:30, So now we had 2.5 hours to kill. Melanie’s flight from Cairo was 5 hours after ours so Ephraim and Kaja took her to the airport later in the day. The flight left a little late because of traffic. Heavy traffic in on the taxiways in Egypt, who would have guessed.

We arrived in Dubai about a half hour late. Breezed through passport control and off to the taxis. Went to the wrong hotel first. They provided us transport to the correct one. We got checked in just fine but Meg was feeling poorly.  We went across the street to a mall to get her some Tylenol and a sports drink. We also picked up some dinner at the food court and took it back to hotel to eat. The Japanese food we got was very tasty and we ate while watching TV. Finally turned in around 1 AM setting the alarm for 6 for the final two legs home.

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