Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wednesday — Leaving Sokhna Behind

We had turned off the AC last night because it seemed chilly in the room. At 3 this morning I woke up sweating and flicked it back on. In just a few minutes it was pleasant in the room again and went back to sleep until about 7 AM. Bonnie got up shortly after while I was writing for this blog. Could not post but the same as today I am writing and will post later when wifi is available. We all ate a leisurely breakfast and then got everything packed up and down to the lobby so we could check out.

Once we checked out I asked what the plan was for the day and Ephraim suggest we go to the cave church in Cairo. I told him that would be fine since Megan and Melanie has not seen it yet. We loaded everything in the cars and off we went. About a half hour or forty-five minutes down the road we turned off into a different resort. Ezzat said there was a spectacular beach down here that wanted us to see. We stopped some distance from the beach and got out of the car. I was taking pictures of some flowers and they were waiting for me to turn around. Once I did I was told we would spend the rest of the time here in a villa that was owned by a friend of Kaja’s in honor of my retirement. I was very surprised. Everyone was in on the secret except for me. What a pleasant surprise.The name of the resort is Marina Wadi Degla.

After we got settled in everyone went down to the beach. Indeed the beach is beautiful. You could wade out quite a long ways this afternoon. The water was warm, 80+ F. We frolicked in the Red Sea for a few hours before we had “lunch”. Ezzat and Susan we going to return to Port Said while we stayed with Ephraim and Kaja at the resort. After lunch we said out goodbyes. It was a sad departure for us. We have enjoyed the company and hospitality of our Egyptian brothers and sisters for more than 10 days. We look forward to seeing them again whether it be in Egypt, Poland, or the U.S.A. We wished them a safe journey and a well deserved thank you and away they went. Ephraim got a call later in the evening when they had arrived safely in Port Said.

During the evening we ate, talked, ate, and went for a walk around the complex. This is really a lovely place. If you know someone in Egypt that has a villa here I would highly recommend it.

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