Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1 -- Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square
Saturday morning seems we were not able to get going very early. Had a leisurely breakfast, lots of conversation, and a decision on what to do today. We did have errands to run this morning. Got some groceries, took care of the phones, mailed some stuff, etc. Back at the house we had a snack for lunch and off we went to Trafalgar Square. Sat around in the square for a time watching people and looking at the monuments. We were then off to explore the area including Soho, and Piccadilly. Lots of strip joints and "adult" entertainment in Soho.
Nelson Monument

We also went to Leicester Square which is the West End theatre district. Walked around and stopped at Scoop to get some gelato. It was very delicious. And since it was near dinner we just called it dessert. Talked about going to a show that evening and finally decided on 39 Steps at the Criterion Theatre. Four actors play all of the rolls in the play. It was very enjoyable and funny. Had a great evening. Before that show though we had dinner. Went to a Chinese buffet. The curry was most excellent. The rest was really nothing to write home about but it all certainly filled the empty space in the midsection. After the play is was off to home. Pretty comfortable getting around on the tube and trains now. Spent a little time checking email and FB then it was off to bed. Another wonderful day coming up tomorrow.

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