Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24 -- Last Day in London

Another lazy morning to start the day. We did finally make it out of the house though at about 11:00 this morning. Melanie pointed us to the British Museum and she went to the London Eye to perform a task for me. She also had a couple of conference calls to take for work this afternoon. We walked around the Roman period of the Britain for about 45 minutes. We initially went there for a tour but the volunteer never showed up. So we decided to browse around the area until about 12:00 and then get back together. While I was browsing Mel called and said she had retrieved my property, woo hoo! I was quite elated with that. It took her about an hour to weave her spell on the unsuspecting security folk and others at the Eye.

Once we all met up again we decided to meet at 13:30 in the lobby near the main entrance. There is so much to look at in the museum that it would take days to get through it all. Everything I looked at was amazing. I can't believe the British stole all that stuff from around the world. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Bonnie went to look at the porcelain exhibit in the China section. She was impressed as well.

Melanie met up with us at 13:30 in the lobby. From here we went to get some lunch at Gail's Kitchen near the museum. Lunch was quite delicious and inexpensive, Melanie picked up the tab. Mel had another conference call to attend to so Ed, Kay, and I went to the corner coffee joint and had coffee and dessert. Bonnie joined us shortly after and said her and Mel were going to go shopping after the conference call was done. So we headed back to the house and left Melanie and Bonnie to go shopping. When we got back to the house we had a lazy time again. Soon we will be off to eat at the pub. Last dinner in London until next time.

It's now 19:30 and we are off to dinner at the Draft House. Our last burgers and beers or wine were very good and the company was marvelous. It seemed warmer this evening that it had been all day. An enjoyable dinner. Printed the boarding passes. Printed the bus tickets. Have the car coming at 0700 in the morning. Packing is nearly done. I think we are ready to go. The next entry will be from the United States of America.  Thanks for reading and there will be a couple of more entries with general observations and the results of our journey across the "pond".

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