Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 21 -- First Day of Summer

Today was a day of preparation for the big solstice party tomorrow. We had ordered the groceries on Thursday and they were to be delivered today. Melanie got a call from the grocery and they wanted to delivery early and that was not a problem. We got the counter tops in the kitchen cleared for the delivery. Once delivered we put the stuff away and began the preparation. The chicken was cut up and the marinade made. Bagged them together and into the fridge they went. Ed and Kay made potato salad. The first batch of potatoes was used for dinner since it was left to cook too long and would not slice well for the salad. But it all got put together and I'm sure it will be wonderful. Bonnie and Mel made dessert as well, an orange jello concoction that is Kitty Flint's creation. It's pretty tasty I might add especially if you like oranges.

Various errands had to be in the midst of all this kitchen commotion. Had to still go to the store for things we forgot to order. Went to the post office to send post cards. Went for walks in Wandsworth Common. Miscellaneous and sundry other things.

The weather was nice today. Sunny most of the time and temps in the 21-23 C range. It was a Goldilocks day, not too hot, not too cold, but just right.

Oh, and the saga of the personal property is at an end. The police department isn't willing to help me out. Sorry Bob I really tried to get it back. I hope whoever ends up with my beautiful, functional, spectacular knife will enjoy it as much as I have over these many years.

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