Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 9 – North Coast of the Netherlands

We had breakfast with Ed and Kay this morning as usual. We were then off to Stuit’s for coffee which seems to have become the routine in the Netherlands. Bea was too tired to join us so the five of us piled into Dirk’s Volvo again an off we went. We headed to a town in the north is called Hindeloopen on IJsselmeer Lake.

As we drove north we went over the longest dike in Holland, 30 km (nearly 19 miles) and 16 meters (55 feet) high. The North Sea was on the left as we went up and Ijsselmeer Lake was on the right. Two large sluice gates to let water our of the lake at low tide and locks at either end let shipping through. Had to stop for both drawbridges on the way up. Actually there were swivel bridges. They turned on a central pivot point to open two channels for the shipping. The southern one had just opened when we arrived there so we were “stuck” for about 15 minutes. The north bridge was just closing when we go there. We stopped on the dike to look at the information about construction and to snap a few picks. Holland is a most interesting place. Didn’t stop for either on the way down.

We had lunch on sailboat with Diete and Jurgen’s family. Diete is Dirk’s elder daughter. Lunch was quite simple but very tasty and the conversation was wonderful, stroll through the town where we picked up a few trinkets. When we returned to the boat Jurgen was lounging in the patio of the marina bar. We joined them and were introduced to their marina neighbors. We sat down for a drink with new friends and enjoyed our time together. Herke joined us, didn’t expect he would drive up from Hoofdoorp because he said he hadn’t planned on it.

It was nearly time for dinner so Diete rounded up the crew and we were off to the neighborhood pizza parlor. Dinner took quite some time as there were I think 12 or us. We did have a great time.

All too soon we had to return to Alphen. We said our goodbyes knowing that we might never see one another again. But we will always remember the good time we had in Hindeloopen, NL.

We didn’t have any unscheduled stops on the way back. Got back to Stuit’s in Alphen and then we loaded into our car and off we went back to the hotel. Arrived there about 11:30 PM very tired.

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