Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18 -- A Day of Rest

Today we did nearly nothing all day. Had a leisurely breakfast that we each made for ourselves. Kay and Bonnie went to the post office and did a little shopping on the way back. I worked on this manuscript and cut the grass in the backyard (10 minutes). We snacked for lunch. Everyone took a nap. Ed and Kay went and picked up a newspaper. Bonnie went for a walk. We all prepared dinner. Bonnie and Kay took care of the dishes. Melanie got home and had leftovers from dinner. We all said good night and everyone is in bed except for me. I wanted to get this caught up today and so I did. I still have pictures to add and corrections to make but at least there is a post for every day of the trip. Tomorrow we will be off on new adventures.

Good night all!

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